Food Guide Pyramid - Healthy Plans Breakfast. ( 1 ) - Health - Nutrition
On the day with a healthy breakfast is easy to explain. But what is a good food pyramid breakfast? How we decide what we are and why? This is the first in a series of 3 articles that will help you to understand what your body needs a good start for the day.
The Food Pyramid
Over the past sixty years, the dietary recommendations issued by the various governments have joined the food pyramid a day at the helm of the food and are available in different versions of the food pyramid.
Food Pyramid graphically the organization of groups of foods. The foods are:
Grains Vegetables Fruit Dairy Meat, fish and beans Oils
Traditionally, the largest food pyramid chain at the bottom of the pyramid, the proportion of this group must be in total calories.
The latest version of the food pyramid, the groups of foods must be in your diet. The face of the food pyramid consists of reducing the color of the top corners at the base. Each color is a food. The width of the loading area at the base of the food pyramid shows how much of this food group should be their daily calories. (You find a connection moon food pyramid at the end of this article.)
The most striking innovation, and more Welcome to the food pyramid is the restructuring of the food pyramid groups. Is that more movement into your everyday life. Diet without exercise is that half of the solution and the exercise without food produce only limited success. Steps for the left side of the food pyramid and a person who is at the bottom of the Stockapes. You can t of stairs instead of taking the elevator. I've heard of other types of in another article (wellbeing - Hoax, fashion or real-) basis of the recommended practice is a half an hour brisk walking a day may not necessarily be done at once.
Groups of foods
Let us take a look at the different food groups at this time.
Cereals are the largest group. Area of fruit and vegetables together, but this group has a combination. This means that most of our daily calories should be read in conjunction with fruit and vegetables, followed by cereals, dairy products and meat, fish and Bohnen and oils, the group is so small that even his own label ELPI in the food pyramid. It is the corner between fruit and milk.
A failure of the largest pyramid ETSA aliments water. Water is vital. And yet, many people complain they can not drink plenty of water.
If someone was with them for a gun to his head and said: "Take it out" Iban a glass? Of course you. Someone. His life is in danger. If the same as those who do not drink enough. Only if they do not drink enough, the consequences in the long term, not immediately. Therefore, we believe that he liked to express large grass.
How much is enough? In general we need about 1.5 to 2 liters - 6-8 large glasses - per day (depending on the weather and our level of physical activity) to the drainage. Here is an interesting fact: 2% fluid loss can seriously affect and concentrate. How much you need? Do you have a large glass of water immediately when you come out of bed today?
Infants, children and elderly people are suffering from dehydration. For this purpose, or their carers, special attention to your deposit in cash.
Due to their content of calories, soft drinks and juices are not a good choice as a replacement for the lost fluids, especially if they work to lose or manage weight. Try a juice or a slice of lemon or lime in water, if you're not the taste of the water.
The food pyramid, no doubt, in the middle of a step forward in comparison to one of his predecessors. For my money, but I agree with the approach of another food pyramid any time:
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