A short history of Indian food - Food - Recipes
Indian food has a very long tradition stretching back for many thousands of years. Certainly we know that various types of grains were in use over 5000 years ago and millstones have been discovered by archaeologists. It is quite possible that they may well have been producing a type of flatbread like naan or chapatis many thousands of of years ago.Later came rice which it is believed originated from Thailand and also chicken. Sheep it is believed came from West Asia. In about 1500 BC came the Aryan people from the North and it is they who we believe brought lentils. Spices are thought to have originated in Egypt and certainly we know that he Egyptians embalmed the dead in around 3000 BC. Cinnamon however grew in Southern India and also sugar beet is a native of India. Spices were used for preserving food, and also adding flavour and were highly valued. The early spice trade was controlled by the Arabs and many wars have been fought over control of the spice trade such is t he value of these precious commodities..
We therefore have the ingredients for the development of this wonderful cuisine.Religon too played a part in the development of Indian cusine. The Hindu culture has played a very strong role in its development as has the Moslems who came to India in the 7th century.Today the Indian diet will consist mainly of lamb, chicken and fish. The cow is sacred to the Hindu's and Pork is considered unclean by the Muslims. Along with this goes a wide range of pulses in the form of lentils, chickpeas, beans and a range of vegetables and fruits. Rice too is very much a staple food in India and dishes are prepared with the skilled use of spices. Appetisers and snacks form an important part of the culture of India and these are very divers in their nature. The most popular are based on the humble potato which is spiced with such items as ginger, cinammon, garlic, coriander and cloves to mention but a few. The samosa too is very much a popular Indian snack which is made from potatoes, peas onion and spices.
Sweet dishes too are an important part of Indian foodOver the years regional dishes have evolved over India and it's development has even spread to the UK where Chicken Tikka Masala is a recognised part of the British cuisine so please read an enjoy my contribution to this exciting genre of food which is so underestimated by many./recipes-of-india
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