How to Build Muscle: The Definitive Guide to Building Muscle - Health - Fitness
The biggest mistake of building the muscles you can do is make the routines of muscle magazines. Most guys do not train naturally, are genetically endowed with training and never started that way. Doing his routine will not make you build muscle fast.
The average person needs a different approach. One that builds muscle fast and prevents physical and mental overtraining from doing too much, too soon. Here is how to build muscle: the definitive guide to building muscle.
1. Become stronger. More strength is more muscle. Log in strength training. I recommend weight training as it allows you to start light and add weight without ceasing. Body weight exercises work too. Start with an empty bar. Learn the proper technique. Add weight each workout to keep pushing your body out of the comfort zone.
2. Use free weights. You can lift the most weight with weights. More weight is more stress, thus more muscle. Dumbbells are ideal for the financial assistance, but not its main elevations. Stay away from machines.
* Insurance. Machines that require fixed patterns, unnatural movement can cause injury. Free weights replicate natural movement.
* Efficient. Free weights force you to control and balance the weight. This builds more muscle than machines, which balance the weight for you.
* Functional. Strength built on machines does not transfer to free weights or real life. No machine balances the weight for you in real life.
* Versatile. You can do hundreds of exercises with only one bar. Save lots of money and space, especially if you want to build a home gym.
3. Do compound exercises. Isolation exercises are ok once you've built strength and muscle mass base. But if you're starting to build muscle, exercises that hit several muscles at the same time are better.
* No endless Biceps -> pull-ups, chin-ups and bar rows * There is also Triceps kickbacks -> bench press, shoulder press, Dips * And definitely no Leg Extensions -> Squats and deadlifts
4. Train legs. Squats work your body, are the most important exercise. You look totally different once you can squat 300 pounds. This is a free weight squat with your hips lower than knees come.
All your muscles tense when doing squats and deadlifts. That the work of your body as a piece and allow you to lift heavy weights. Do not waste time with bicep curls. When you can Squat and Deadlift heavy weights, will have more weapons.
5. Doing full body workouts. We do training muscle magazines. Body part splits with isolation exercises is fine once you've built a foundation. That once you puedeCuclillas 300 lbs.
You can not squat that much or never squats? Check StrongLifts 5x5. It takes three workouts per week for an hour each and includes compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, bench presses, barbell rowing, shoulder press, pull-ups, dips, etc.
6 Get Recovery. Professional athletes training 5-6 times per week. But did not start that way. They added workouts as they got stronger and bigger. You overtrain if you jump into their routines. As a beginner needs more recovery.
* Rest. Muscles grow when you rest, not when you exercise. Start with three training sessions a week full body and focus on intensity, not gym time.
* Dream. growth hormone released when you sleep, muscle building. Try 8 hours of sleep. Training nap after your lifestyle, if allowed.
* Drink water. Prevents dehydration and helps muscle recovery. Drink 2 cups of water with each meal, and drink water during training.
* Eating. "Eat like a horse's dream. Like a baby. Growing like a weed." Your training is useless if you do not eat enough calories to recover.
7. Eat whole foods. You will get a lower body fat, so the muscles you've built best show. And the vitamin and mineral content helps recovery. Stop eating food from a box. Eat whole foods 90% of the time. StrongLifts review my diet.
* Protein. Meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk, ... * Carbohydrates. Brown rice, oats, whole wheat pasta, quinoa, ... * Vegetables. spinach, broccoli, tomatoes, lettuce, carrot, ... * Fruits. Banana, orange, apple, pineapple, peers, ... * Fat. Olive oil, fish oil, real butter, walnuts, flax seeds, ...
8. Eat more. Training is more important than diet for building muscle. But it is necessary to give your body the nourishment it needs for optimal recovery. Most kids do not eat enough, you have to eat more to build muscle.
* Eat breakfast. Get calories from the first hour. Read how to create the habit of breakfast. Try these seven recipes breakfast.
Eat After training. Get the protein and carbohydrates after your workout to help muscle recovery and replenish their energy reserves.
* Eat every 3 hours. 6 meals / day. Give your muscles a steady intake of protein, accelerates muscle repair and recovery, increases your metabolism.
* BW in lbs x 18kcal eat. Track your daily intake of calories with FitDay. You need at least your body weight in pounds x 18kcal to maintain weight.
9. Weight gain. You'll never look muscular weighing 140 pounds at 6 ". No matter how much training you do. Check out the guide to gain weight for skinny guys. Here is the most important part.
* Eating calorie-dense foods. 100 g raw spinach is 25kcals. But 100g raw rice is 380kcals. Eat pasta, oats, olive oil, nuts, etc.
* Are made stronger. Increase your Squat to at least 300 pounds. Muscle size is directly related to strength gains. You have to be stronger to build muscle.
* Whole milk. If you do not bother to get some fat, drink a gallon of whole milk per day on top of your current food intake. You can gain 25 pounds in a month if you combine this with 3 weekly sessions squatting.
10. Get proteins. Protein has the highest thermic effect. You need pounds 1 g of protein per body weight every day to build and maintain muscle mass. That is 160 grams of protein a day, if you weigh 160lbs/72kg. Eat whole proteins with each meal.
* Red meat. All land, steaks, deer, buffalo, ... * Poultry. Chicken breast, chicken, turkey, duck, ... * Fish. Tuna, salmon, sardines, mackerel, ... * Eggs. Eat the yolk is full of vitamins. * Dairy. Milk, cottage cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, buttermilk, ...
If you weigh 160 pounds: 1 can of tuna at lunch, 300 g of cottage cheese as an aperitif, 300 g meat at dinner and 500 ml milk throughout the day in which 160g of protein. See also how to get your daily protein when you are vegetarian / vegan.
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