Delight in Tasty Broccoli Casserole Recipes - Food
Yearning to prepare a healthy meal for whole family or just want to make a mouth-watering side dish for celebration? The most excellent selection is broccoli casserole. There are large number of of broccoli casserole dishes that may well fit each palate. The most noticeable trait of broccoli casserole dishes is their dietary value that is held with the aura of the healthy vegetable called broccoli.
Broccoli casserole recipes are not just good for your health but also delectable and fascinating. It may be both presented as a side dish in party food or as a hearty delight for full family unit. Modifications may also be straightforwardly done with broccoli casserole. Some of the highly-acclaimed brocoli casserole recipes are as follows:
Cheese broccoli casserole - This is one of the most fastest and popular broccoli casserole preparations. It requires broccoli florets that should be blanched. Crumbled cheese, preferably parmesan, can be incorporated for garnishing the casserole. If you desire to make it a low-cal dish then you could lessen the quantity of cheese. It will be good to saute broccoli in either butter or olive oil prior to baking.
Beef and broccoli casserole with almonds - Beef compliments the casserole dish. Ham, poultry or pork can also be preferred for this hearty preparation. Cut the beef sirloin in slender strips that will allow rapid cooking. Meat strips should be fried in olive oil before baking. Beef or other meats can also be preserved in various flavoring agents and sauce of your choice previous to cooking. Fry the blanched broccoli in oil and keep as the bottom layer in the casserole dish. Subsequently, build a layer of beef and coat the top with small quantity of grated cheese and chopped almonds. Olive oil is recommended instead of butter to cut down extra fat from the broccoli casserole preparations.
Chicken and rice broccoli casserole - This can be considered a regular meal preparation for your full family. Overloaded with protein and carbohydrates, this casserole dish is popular in almost all cuisines. Rice can even be discarded from the preparation if you usually do not savor them. Butter, crumbled cheese, celery, cut onion and chopped broccoli are the main ingredients for this healthy recipe. Chicken breast is recommended as it is emancipated from fat and without difficulty accessible in all departmental stores. Chicken can be prepared in a frying pan with butter, onion and celery. Flavorings like salt, pepper and lemon juice may well include tang to the preparation.
Along with the above described broccoli casserole dishes there are many additional recipes that can be presented with some healthy and delectable ingredients. Though, ingredients used in all dishes might differ, but the simple rules that pertain to every recipe are equal, for example, broccoli florets should be boiled but remain brittle. Meat used in the recipes should always be fried before baking and butter can be substituted with olive oil. Baking temperature may also differ with preparations; still the general temperature is 210 degree Celsius for 20 minutes.
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