Low Carb Recipe the Quick and Easy Way - Health - Weight Loss
Having many low carb recipes at your disposal is essential if you are going to seriously do a low carb diet. It'd be a step even better if you could compile all the recipes that you have into a book - your very own low carb recipe book. By having a low carb recipe book, you will soon see how it can make life easier, since you don't have to try coming up with different recipes for your meal every day.
One rather easy low carb recipe is the roasted cabbage with bacon. For this special meal, prepare 2 lb. head of green cabbage, 1 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil and a fine quality bacon diced into cubes - size is up to you. Don't forget sea salt, coarse one preferably, red wine vinegar and lemon wedges.
Now that you have all the ingredients ready, you need to preheat your oven to about 350F. This should be done at least 1/2 hour before cooking time. That way, the oven will be hot enough for the actual cooking.
For the cabbage, you want to have the stem trimmed and one layer of the outer leaves removed, then cut the cabbage into two parts. Now that you have two parts of the cabbage, cut each part into three wedges similar in size. Use the extra virgin oil to coat a rimmed baking sheet, where you will place the cabbage wedges onto. Try to keep the wedges one inch apart on the baking sheet. Proceed by placing the diced bacon all over.
Set the timer on the oven for about a quarter of an hour - that's how long you should have the cabbage roasted. If you notice they've turned brown, turn them over and you may put the rest of the diced bacon in and have the whole thing roasted for another a quarter of an hour more. Add salt and your meal is ready - serve with your choice of either lemon wedges or vinegar.
Another quick and easy low carb recipe is the blue cheese dressing. Prepare 4 oz. blue cheese, a cup of sour cream, crumbled, a quarter cup of mayo, 2 tsp of chopped garlic, 1 tsbp of red wine vinegar and salt and pepper. Just mix all the ingredients in a large bowl, cover and leave them on your fridge for at least a night. They should be good for a week.
There you have it, some quick and easy recipes to keep you on your low carb diet. Always remember that consistency is key, so keep the recipe book handy and you shall have that slim figure you have always wanted.
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