Homemade Meals for Sugar Gliders? - Family - Pets

Are you an advocate of homemade meals for pets? Don't get me wrong - I have immense respect for pet owners who choose to make homemade meals because they want their pets to receive only the freshest and most nutritious food available.

It may appear that I was discounting homemade meals at the beginning of this book, but in reality, I have only shown some negative light on homemade diets that over-emphasize empty calories.

There are some homemade diets for sugar gliders that you can try if you really want to give your new pets something that has been lovingly created at home.

General instructions for the recipes: 1.Combine all of the ingredients by using a regular blender or food processor. 2.After blending, pour contents into an ice-cube tray. Fill each space halfway only. During mealtime, each sugar glider should receive an equivalent of just one tablespoon of food (that's why each space in the ice tray should only be filled halfway). 3.Half teaspoon of treats, veggies, and fruits can also be given after the main meal has been finished unless the diet utilizes fresh fruit & vegetables already.

Diet # 1: Wheat and Chicken Diet

The composition of the Wheat & Chicken Diet is as follows: - Quarter cup of apple juice (canned, boxed or fresh) - Half cup of honey (use processed honey, not raw honey!)- One whole egg (boil the egg until it becomes hard-boiled and remove the shell) - Four ounces of baby yogurt juice- One teaspoon of regular calcium-based supplement - Two teaspoons of calcium-based supplement with added vitamin D3 (the second supplementation should not contain any phosphorous)- Two and a half ounces of baby food (chicken flavor) - Quarter cup of wheat germ - Half cup of oatmeal (if oatmeal is not available you can use whole-grain cereal instead)Diet # 2: Basic Leadbeater's Diet

The composition of the Basic Leadbeater's Diet is as follows: - 150 milliliters of water (use slightly warm water when preparing this food)- 150 milliliters of commercial honey - 1 whole egg (boil the egg and remove the shell)- 5 teaspoons of baby cereal (Choose the variant that is rich in protein. The cereal will provide most of the protein in this diet)- 1 to 2 teaspoons of a calcium-based mineral supplement


Never mix the recipe with chocolates or table sugar because they contain chemical compounds that can easily build up in a sugar glider's system to cause toxicity.

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