Natural Dog Food Recipes for Your Pet - Family - Pets

In the world of dog health, there's nothing more popular than natural dog food recipes. As the truth regarding commercial dog food is coming to light, pet owners the world over are having to educate themselves regarding what to feed their pets.

For years, we have listened to the media and fed our dogs packaged dog food that comes right off the shelf. We don't know what's in the dog food, and we know it doesn't taste very good, but we give it to our animals anyway.

In the last couple of years, the truth about what is really in commercial dog food has begun to come out. Meats and grains that are extremely low-end are given to our dogs and pets. Basically the waste products of the foods we eat are heavily processed and spun out as dog food.

This has sparked a huge interest in natural dog food recipes, as many dog owners are trying to figure out what to feed their animals. Is it safe to do this? Can dogs handle human food?

Whole foods are wonderful for dogs. Meats, vegetables and whole-wheat grains all can give a dog exactly what he needs to live a long, healthy life. Avoid sugars and processed foods though, as these can do a lot of damage to a dog's system. It is generally thought that a dog needs approximately 25-30% protein, with the rest coming from vegetables and grains.

Also, spices and seasonings aren't needed to make the foods enjoyable to dogs, as these can wreck havoc with a dog's system. Natural Dog food recipes therefore, can be very safe, and you shouldn't hesitate to use them to bolster your dog's health!

This information can be helpful, but remember that there are a large number of human foods that can harm your dog. I'll give you an example: Almost everyone knows chocolate can be fatal to dogs, but did you know that macadamia nuts should not be given to dogs?

Choosing to just listen to anyone's advice on natural dog food would be a dangerous thing to do. It could also be very expensive, as those vet bills and medicines can pile up and cost you lots of money if your dog gets the wrong things included in his diet.

Since you've made the wise choice to stop feeding your dog commercial dog food, it makes sense to get a large amount of information. I can recommend a great website that can help you to get the information you need to learn some safe, natural dog food recipes. Please visit this website right now at to learn in greater detail how to feed your dogs better!

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